
The scales are beginning to tip…

In Music 2.0, News on November 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM

Ran across this new statistic earlier today regarding downloading vs. streaming (read the full article here). I took this turn myself several months ago and have become an avid fan of Rdio (you can find me here if you’re curious as to what I’m listening to these days).

In the end, the music fans will dictate (given the tech options available to them) where they’ll get their music fix. As much as I’d love downloading to continue (as it’s a significant income stream for labels and artists), the tide is turning towards streaming without a doubt.

What’s your take?

The battle to keep music above $1

In Music 2.0 on October 21, 2010 at 12:06 PM

Not sure if you’ve been following the chatter in response to Former Warner Music U.K. executive Rob Dickins thought of pricing albums at $1, but I jumped into the conversation myself on Hypbot, as did many others.  I think the best rebutle can be found here, courtesy of Ian Port in the SF Weekly.

To the fan, and the teenager of the day, it’s about the quality of the art, not the price point.  The price point is only a concern to those invested in the art.  Granted, that is often the artist themselves, but they too share a concern on the quality of their art, so there’s a joint POV there to be had at the heart of the art.

What’s your take?

Is it possible to sell out these days?

In Uncategorized on October 12, 2010 at 11:38 AM

Wonderful article in the Village Voice recently in response to a NY Times article on the Converse Rubber Tracks studio.  Given the lack of marketing or development money left in the music industry at the moment, I’m quite encouraged by the way several brands like Converse (and Mountain Dew, Taco Bell, etc…) have stepped up to fill the roll that the major labels used to in giving new artists a fighting chance.  Give a read here and let me know your thoughts.